F1 在帮助中搜索选定的名称
Shift + F1 在帮助窗口中显示一个实例
Ctrl + K 完成一个命令名称,字符名等
Shift + Enter 计算当前单元(Cell,下同。)
Ctrl + Shift + Enter 在当前的位置计算当前的选择
Alt + . 取消一次计算
Alt + , 中断一次计算,输入一个子对话框
Ctrl + L 复制一个输入行
Ctrl + Shift + L 复制一个输出行
Ctrl + D 打开一个绘制图形工具
鼠标左键双击 选择单词或函数的名称
鼠标左键三击 选择函数和它的参数
重复点击 继续展开选择
Ctrl + . 在单元内或超出单元展开选择
Ctrl + Shift + B 匹配括号
Ctrl + , 与 Ctrl + Enter 创建一个二维网格
Esc+name+Esc 通过简写输入上百种特殊字符(详细内容查看这里:
Alt + Enter 创建一个相同样式的新单元
Alt + 1 标题
Alt + 2 子标题
Alt + 3 孙标题(我自己起的名字,比较形象一点^_^)
Alt + 4 部分
Alt + 5 子部分
Alt + 6 孙部分(同上~)
Alt + 7 文本
Alt + 8 代码
Alt + 9 输入(即默认格式)
Ctrl + B 加粗
Ctrl + I 斜体
Alt + =(-) 加大(减小)字体
“ClearCellOptions” 可以清除样式
Ctrl + 6 幂指数形式
Ctrl + / 下标形式
官方中文版在线帮助: (细节内容还是英文的,所以要想用好Mathematica英文是必须要过关的)
袁腾飞基本上是被“封杀”了,对他基本没一点了解。只是有些话想说:中国近代史直至当代史基本上就是一团浆糊,有人捏造,有人辟谣,有人煽动……而且在一个信息自由获取受限的环境下,片面甚至错误的结论往往传播更快,有些像经济学中的劣币驱逐良币。所以~~~Fuck GFW.
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Aug 04, 2022 02:09:29 AM
Punjab State Government employee now login to eHRMS portal on getting access with new user id and default password from DDO to manage ESS portal services. There is a Nodal officer or a DDO officer allocated to every department to manage the Employee details. HRMS Punjab includes their leaves, present days,The Integrated Human Resource Management System of Punjab refers to as iHRMS Punjab. HRMS Punjab There is a Nodal officer or a DDO officer allocated to every department to manage the Employee details. HRMS Punjab includes their leaves, present days, maintaining their health calendar and getting their payslip ready. Every employee under Punjab State Government needs to get connect with their department DDO officer to activate their account.
Sep 18, 2022 04:31:39 PM
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Dec 23, 2022 05:35:14 PM
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Jan 21, 2023 11:02:03 PM
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Feb 11, 2023 10:18:46 PM
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